Monday 10 January 2011

cranberries experiment

washing cranberries for sauce at Christmas

This post is just an experiment to see how the photo behaves under my different messings-about. There was no messing about with the sauce, in case you're wondering. It was lovely, especially when I dumped some port into it and a half-teaspoon or two of spices like cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. 
This was Christmas 09.
I may leave this up here; I may cause it to disappear. 
Don't worry I'm not turning into food monkey, whose delightful excellence is unassailable in foodland, in my opinion.

Update five minutes later : I'm happy with it, especially clicking on the image.
It's so pretty I think I'll leave it here.
Thank you for your attention.


Jen said... [Reply to comment]

Yep. 'Tis pretty. And jolly. I like it vay much.

Ragged Thread Cartographer said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you Jen! I think staring at that colour warms my spirit. You may have guessed I’m working on an idea and it’s consuming FAR TOO MUCH time but hey, I’ve got the only cold I’ve had in twenty–odd years as I’m telling anyone who’ll listen. Just sitting upright is hazardous, if you get me. Just after the flu jab, too. Huh. So maybe I should be eating cranberries instead of looking at them.

Ragged Thread Cartographer said... [Reply to comment]

I should have added that looking at photo in preview mode doesn't enable the click & magnify thing. But you knew that. So it was hold my nose and jump, as usual!