Monday 27 September 2010

Toe in the water

Well, well, well.

Here we are at last. Hello everybody.

Me, Chocolate cat, “Just–passing–through” pheasants, rabbit, little brown mouse (patio) and my mother (96), all fully present in cyberspace. Well Mother is usually fully present but not entirely reliable. Got a bit of catching up to do, and plenty of learning curve up ahead.

Emailed my brother yesterday about something, and “PS I'm about to start a blog. Oh dear. Oh yes. As if there wasn't enough to do. Need it out of my head and it's only my diary and stuff. Promise not to waffle on, though.”
And I make the same promise to you. (Except I seem to have broken it, right then and there.)

Oh and one more promise - if you find a typo or a rotten spelling, you have my permission to wallop me over the head with it. 
Am so tempted to drop one in just to see if anybody's awake.

And about me ?

Under construction.
Bear with me.
Am evolving.

Get a wiggle on, then.