Thursday 3 March 2011


In the midst of sorting out stuff, spring cleaning, preparing to pack and move house, untangling a mysterious mess made by the bank, getting oil delivered and unpacking my new toy just arrived by post (needle felting stuff - more of that anon), meaning to post about my mother and everything, I was putting some family archive papers back in their folder and found this in a yellowed Manchester Evening News from 1945 (a special wartime edition) and had to drop everything else for a minute.

I've been trying, and failing, to get the cursor below the picture. Short of dumping and starting again (which takes so long on my broadband), this is the bit which was supposed to be underneath. It was only going to ponder on what you could get away with in print in 1945, and in all walks of life I'll be bound. Referring to 'coolies' (in the article above) was probably quite the thing back then. What would happen if you said that now? Also, by the by, funny how the fish market seemed to be flooded with mackerel but nobody wanted it.