Friday 29 October 2010

Wind in the Willows

First of all I had Mole. Well the lawn had moles. Both now deceased, as you know.

Then I had Toad. He lives near the back door and made it through the back lobby as far as the downstairs bathroom when I wasn't paying attention. Left a perfect poop on the floor. It was the loo after all. Think his home is under the oil tank.

Now I've got Ratty. Oh yes. Proper big brown Ratty, hoovering up leftover corn, fat as a little pig (pregnant? - don't think so, not lumpy) scurrying backwards and forwards across the patio bold as brass. Actually quite good looking. Face like a cutie pie squirrel, not like a weaselly rat.

You're probably thinking it's time I got out more. And I think you're probably right.